When your chest feels tight, when you fee dizzy and lightheaded, when you feel closed in, when you want to scream out loud, when you are sweating for no reason and you feel you want to run away, to anywhere, it is called ANXIETY.
Anxiety can have many causes. It can be inherited, it can be caused by trauma, childhood identification with an anxious parent, we learn much a home, or it can come on from an event experienced as an adult. There are multiple types of anxiety such as social anxiety, panic disorder and generalized anxiety.
No one has to live like this anymore, afraid to leave the house, afraid to be with friends yet afraid to be alone. We have multiple treatments for anxiety now. You don’t have to go it alone anymore.
One of the techniques I use is to be with the client so that he or she never feels alone with the anxiety. There are many types of breathing techniques that we use to help a person stop and the panic. There is even Yoga breathing now. Everyone has different breathing techniques that we use with different clients. Breathing techniques are the first line of attack with anxiety.
Medications such as antidepressants are used to help with anxiety. Not everyone wants to take antidepressants because of unwanted side effects such as weight gain and loss of sex drive. Progressive relaxation techniques are another type of technique that helps people quiet the panic within. Everyone has a different way of learning to handle anxiety which works for only that person. Many therapists use touch to stop anxiety. I tend to help people find a place on their bodies to touch, such as an arm, a leg or a chest. During that period of time I ask patients to say out loud what anxiety they are having. It is quite effective.
I also use safe place in therapy. For example, I ask people to visualize the place where they feel safest. I then have them close their eyes and go there. It usually takes people away from the moment of terror. I am there every step of the way.
Nature tends to help people a great deal. Right now I have my lemon and lime Trees in the garage because the the bad weather we have been having. My lemon tree is blooming right now. I hope it survives. What I normally do is touch a leaf as I pass by. Since it is still winter, I ask my patients to buy a plant that cannot be killed. I then ask that they touch it everyday and water and fertilize it as needed.
I ask everyone who comes to my office to exercise. It can be simple walking or it can be weight lifting, my favorite, or high intensity aerobics. Exercise releases serotonin in the brain which is good for all of us. It can be used instead of medication. I ask everyone to do something everyday for a minimum of thirty minutes, good for your heart and your anxiety as well..
For women, I recommend exercise no later than 7PM as it can cause insomnia. Men can exercise anytime they want. We are just made differently. It is no different than men wanting to sleep after an intimate moment while women want to have a long loving conversation. Men and women are just different.
One thing I want to go into depth about is the root cause of anxiety. It is critical that we understand what is the root cause of anxiety. Without dealing with the root cause of anxiety, you will never be truly free of anxiety. We have to go back to your family of origin to understand what caused the anxiety to begin with. There is always a reason for anxiety. Always!
Above all, do not suffer alone. Being alone with anxiety can be almost crippling. I believe in finding what calms you the most. It can be touching your dog or cat. It can be going to Church if you are religious. If not, find something that you can do to nourish yourself. Eating is fine but too much can harm your physical health.